David Betz

Experience & Growth Strategy Design

AVOD to SVOD Streaming Services

Opportunities & Objectives

—There is an opportunity to…

1. Create a truly differentiated and compelling new streaming service that combines the best of AVOD, live news and sports, and SVOD

2. Go beyond existing streaming UX/UI and demographic customer segmentation to shape a more behavioral and user-centered design for ViX+

— The output of the design will achieve these key objectives:

• Achieve and maintain relevance for multiple and hybrid AVOD and SVOD audiences

• Evolve the current 2-dimensional mode from paid access, UX personalization, and content recommendations

• Establish content discovery and freshness for the service as a key differentiator

• Drive subscription AVOD-to-SVOD conversion rates at a defined %

• Improve and increase overall watch time, repeat, and return sessions, optimizing for recency, frequency, and engagement

Design Tenets: Rules to Live By


Always be clear about what is free and what is premium – viewers should never be confused about what they get for free and what they get in a subscription.


No tricking viewers: all landing pages and offer presentation should be fulsome in the inclusion of both free and subscription offerings.


Don’t overwhelm viewers: merchandising of the premium offering in the free offering, should not overdo it and should not get in the way of time-to-view – upgrade options should be presented with care.


Don’t disappoint viewers: any preium sampling experience offered to free viewers, should be a time-based trial as opposed to a partial season type experience.


Lead with value: any upgrade offerings should be easily associated with the respective value.

UX Research Overview

Streamer Insights

ViX+ AVOD-to-SVOD Features